I am having this issue in my Mac system 10.11.6
system3:postgres saurabh-gupta2$ docker build -t postgres .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 38.91kB
If your company is behind MS Proxy Server that using the proprietary NTLM protocol.
You need to install **Cntlm** Authentication Proxy
After this SET the proxy in
/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf) with the following format:
Environment=“HTTP_PROXY=http://<<IP OF CNTLM Proxy Server>>:3182”
In addition you can set in the .DockerFile
export http_proxy=http://<<IP OF CNTLM Proxy Server>>:3182
export https_proxy=http://<IP OF CNTLM Proxy Server>>:3182
export no_proxy=localhost,,10.0.2.*
Followed by:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
This Worked for me
In my case, stopping Proxifier fixed it. I added a rule to route any connections from vpnkit.exe
as Direct
and it now works.
Just to add, in case anyone else comes across this issue.
On a Mac I had to logout and log back in.
docker logout
docker login
Then it prompts for username (NOTE: Not email) and password. (Need an account on https://hub.docker.com to pull images down)
Then it worked for me.
ReCheck Proxy Settings with following commands
docker info | grep Proxy
Check VPN Connectivity
If VPN not using CHECK NET connectivity
Reinsrtall Docker and repeat above steps.
For me the problem was solved by restarting the docker daemon:
sudo systemctl restart docker
The answers are provided here amazing, but if you are new in that and you don't realize full error then you may see at the end of that error net/http: TLS handshake timeout.
message means that you have a slow internet connection. So it can be only that problem that's it.