I would like to enhance existing class using instance_eval. There original definition contains validation, which require presence of certain fields, ie:
class Du
Answer by aVenger has problems when you declare validations of more than one attribute in a line:
validates :name, :message, :presence => true
That's because this line creates a raw_filter with more than one attribute in attributes filter:
=> [#<ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Callback:0xa350da4 @klass=Model(...), ... , @raw_filter=#<ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator:0x9da7470 @attributes=[:name, :message], @options={}>, @filter="_callback_before_75", @compiled_options="true", @callback_id=76>]
We have to delete the desired attribute from that array and reject the callbacks without attributes
Dummy.class_eval do
_validators.reject!{ |key, _| key == :field }
_validate_callbacks.each do |callback|
callback.raw_filter.attributes.delete :field
_validate_callbacks.reject! do |callback|
callback.raw_filter.attributes.empty? ||
callback.raw_filter.attributes == [:field]
I have this working on a Rails 3.2.11 app.
For rails 4.2 (~ 5.0) it can be used the following module with a method:
module ValidationCancel
def cancel_validates *attributes
attributes.select {|v| Symbol === v }.each do |attr|
self._validators.delete( attr )
self._validate_callbacks.select do |callback|
callback.raw_filter.try( :attributes ) == [ attr ] ;end
.each do |vc|
self._validate_callbacks.delete( vc ) ;end ;end ;end ;end
Note: Since the filtern can be a symbol of an association, or a specific validator, so we have to use #try
Then we can use rails-friendly form in a class declaration:
class Dummy
extend ValidationCancel
cancel_validates :field ;end
Note: since removal of the validator is affecting to the whole class and its descendants globally, it is not recommended to use it to remove validations in such way, instead add if
clause for the specific rule as follows:
module ValidationCancel
def cancel_validates *attributes
this = self
attributes.select {|v| Symbol === v }.each do |attr|
self._validate_callbacks.select do |callback|
callback.raw_filter.try( :attributes ) == [ attr ] ;end
.each do |vc|
ifs = vc.instance_variable_get( :@if )
ifs << proc { ! self.is_a?( this ) } ;end ;end ;end ;end
This restricts execution of the validation callback for the specified class and its descendants.
Assuming the original implementation of Dummy is defined in an engine there is a nasty hack that will do what you want. Define Dummy in your application to keep the original implementation of Dummy from being auto-loaded. Then load the source to Dummy and remove the line that does the validation. Eval the modified source.
Put the following in your app/models/dummy.rb
class Dummy < ActiveRecord::Base
# Replace DummyPlugin with name of engine
engine = Rails::Application::Railties.engines.find { |e| e.class == DummyPlugin::Engine }
dummy_source = File.read File.join(engine.config.root, "app", "models", "dummy.rb")
dummy_source = dummy_source.gsub(/validates :field, :presence => true.*/, "")
eval dummy_source
If it is regular gem instead of an engine the same concept would apply, just would need to load the source for Dummy from the gem root instead of the engine root.
Wanted to add that, if you're trying to clear validations on a instance of your Model (not the entire model class), don't do my_dummy._validate_callbacks.clear
, as that will clear validations on every instance (and future instance) of your Dummy
model class.
For just the instance (and if you wanted to reinstate the validations later), try the following:
Create a copy of the validate callbacks (if you want to reinstate later):
my_dummy_validate_callbacks = my_dummy._validate_callbacks.clone
Set the validate callbacks on your instance to empty:
my_dummy._validate_callbacks = {}
Do what you want on my_dummy
validation free!
Reinstate the callbacks: my_dummy._validate_callbacks = my_dummy_validate_callbacks
In Rails 4.1,
I was able to do _validate_callbacks.clear. In my case, I wanted all the validations for a gem removed, so I could create my own. I did this in a module that was patched into the class.
Module #Name
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
#add your own validations now
Every Rails validator, pre-defined or custom, is an object, and is expected to respond to #validate(record)
method. You can monkey patch or stub this method.
# MyModel.validators_on(:attr1, :attr2, ...) is also useful
validator = MyModel.validators.detect do |v|
def validator.validate(*_)
# In RSpec you can also consider:
allow(validator).to receive(:validate).and_return(true)
Tested in Rails 5.1.
Don't do this unless you understand what you're doing ;)