I have a GUID variable and I want to write inside a text file its value. GUID definition is:
typedef struct _GUID { // size is 16
DWORD Data1;
In case when your code uses ATL/MFC you also could use CComBSTR::CComBSTR(REFGUID guid) from atlbase.h
GUID guid = ...;
const CComBSTR guidBstr(guid); // Converts from binary GUID to BSTR
const CString guidStr(guidBstr); // Converts from BSTR to appropriate string, ANSI or Wide
It will make conversion & memory cleanup automatically.
Use the StringFromCLSID function to convert it to a string
GUID guid;
OLECHAR* guidString;
StringFromCLSID(guid, &guidString);
// use guidString...
// ensure memory is freed
Also see the MSDN definition of a GUID for a description of data4, which is an array containing the last 8 bytes of the GUID
Use UuidToString function to convert GUID to string. The function accepts UUID type which is typedef of GUID.
You can eliminate the need for special string allocations/deallocations by using StringFromGUID2()
GUID guid = <some-guid>;
// note that OLECHAR is a typedef'd wchar_t
wchar_t szGUID[64] = {0};
StringFromGUID2(&guid, szGUID, 64);
Sometimes its useful to roll your own. I liked fdioff's answer but its not quite right. There are 11 elements of different sizes.
printf("Guid = {%08lX-%04hX-%04hX-%02hhX%02hhX-%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX}",
guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3,
guid.Data4[0], guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2], guid.Data4[3],
guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5], guid.Data4[6], guid.Data4[7]);
Output: "Guid = {44332211-1234-ABCD-EFEF-001122334455}"
Refer to Guiddef.h for the GUID layout.
Same, as a method:
void printf_guid(GUID guid) {
printf("Guid = {%08lX-%04hX-%04hX-%02hhX%02hhX-%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX}",
guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3,
guid.Data4[0], guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2], guid.Data4[3],
guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5], guid.Data4[6], guid.Data4[7]);
you can also pass a CLSID to this method.
Courtesy of google's breakpad project:
std::string ToString(GUID *guid) {
char guid_string[37]; // 32 hex chars + 4 hyphens + null terminator
guid_string, sizeof(guid_string),
guid->Data1, guid->Data2, guid->Data3,
guid->Data4[0], guid->Data4[1], guid->Data4[2],
guid->Data4[3], guid->Data4[4], guid->Data4[5],
guid->Data4[6], guid->Data4[7]);
return guid_string;
UUID guid = {0};
std::cout << GUIDToString(&guid);