Is there an option to and/or how do I suppress errors like the following?
175,14:[\'tracker\'] is better written in dot notation.
If it's a feature and not a bug, place this at the top of your file.
/*jshint sub:true*/
If it's a bug, you should refactor your code
foo['tracker'] = bar // from this...
foo.tracker = bar; // to this!
Good post on the reasons here:
I assume you are asking about Dreamweaver or another editor.
You may go to Edit -> Preferences -> Linting
Select JS in the dropdown and hit Edit & Apply changes
"sub": false,
and change that to true. Save the file and that notice will disappear.
If you have OTHER Linting things you wish to edit, you can find a helpful list of them all at
In JSHint 1.0.0 and above you have the ability to ignore any warning with a special option syntax. The identifier of this warning is W069.
This means you can tell JSHint to not issue this warning with the /*jshint -W069 */
You can even wrap several lines of code and then reenable the warning as the example below (with a note to future you why it was a good idea):
/*jshint -W069 */
/*Disable Warning Justification:
Using bracket notation so Google Closure Compiler
ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS will keep the original property names. */
obj['prop1'] ='foo';
obj['prop2'] ='bar';
/*jshint +W069 */