I am wondering it there exists a method to link
to function from other package when I\'m trying to write a documentation for new package using roxygen2
In addition to the answer by potockan:
Some packages document several functions in a single help page. For example, the trim
function from Bioconductor package GenomicRanges is documented in intra-range-methods
(which is also the name of a help page from other packages such as IRanges).
To link to the right page with roxygen2
you can use:
to format the text correctly.
The help page will only show trim
but will link to the right help page.
From the book R packages:
- function in this package.\code{\link[MASS]{abbey}}
- function in another package.\link[=dest]{name}
- link to dest, but show name.\code{\link[MASS:abbey]{name}}
- link to function in another package, but show name.\linkS4class{abc}
- link to an S4 class.
Note: In the fourth option there is only one colon, not two as one is used to when referencing functions from other packages in code.
now also supports documentation written in markdown.
The markdown syntax is for the link is [foo::bar()]
which is translated to
in the generated .Rd file. (See Roxygen2 vignette.)
Note that you may need to specifically turn on Markdown support by writing Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
file, or by putting an #' @md
comment if you want to enable markdown only for a specific man page. This is also explained at the very top of the linked vignette. (Thanks to @Tjebo for the comment)
Note that there are two colons in the markdown version whereas there is only one colon in the Rd version.
You have to type \link[pkg]{function}
e.g. \link[stringi]{stri_c}