How to JUnit test that two List contain the same elements in the same order?

前端 未结 7 1590
星月不相逢 2021-02-01 00:39


I am writing a simple JUnit test for the MyObject class.

A MyObject can be created from a static factory met

  • 2021-02-01 00:41

    Why not simply use List#equals?

    assertEquals(argumentComponents, imapPathComponents);

    Contract of List#equals:

    two lists are defined to be equal if they contain the same elements in the same order.

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  • 2021-02-01 00:44

    I prefer using Hamcrest because it gives much better output in case of a failure


    Instead of reporting

    expected true, got false

    it will report

    expected List containing "1, 2, 3, ..." got list containing "4, 6, 2, ..."



    According to the Javadoc:

    Creates a matcher for Iterables that matches when a single pass over the examined Iterable yields a series of items, each logically equal to the corresponding item in the specified items. For a positive match, the examined iterable must be of the same length as the number of specified items

    So the listUnderTest must have the same number of elements and each element must match the expected values in order.

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  • 2021-02-01 00:46

    org.junit.Assert.assertEquals() and org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals() do the job.

    To avoid next questions: If you want to ignore the order put all elements to set and then compare: Assert.assertEquals(new HashSet<String>(one), new HashSet<String>(two))

    If however you just want to ignore duplicates but preserve the order wrap you list with LinkedHashSet.

    Yet another tip. The trick Assert.assertEquals(new HashSet<String>(one), new HashSet<String>(two)) works fine until the comparison fails. In this case it shows you error message with to string representations of your sets that can be confusing because the order in set is almost not predictable (at least for complex objects). So, the trick I found is to wrap the collection with sorted set instead of HashSet. You can use TreeSet with custom comparator.

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  • 2021-02-01 00:46

    assertTrue()/assertFalse() : to use only to assert boolean result returned

    assertTrue(Iterables.elementsEqual(argumentComponents, returnedComponents));

    You want to use Assert.assertTrue() or Assert.assertFalse() as the method under test returns a boolean value.
    As the method returns a specific thing such as a List that should contain some expected elements, asserting with assertTrue() in this way : Assert.assertTrue(myActualList.containsAll(myExpectedList) is an anti pattern.
    It makes the assertion easy to write but as the test fails, it also makes it hard to debug because the test runner will only say to you something like :

    expected true but actual is false

    Assert.assertEquals(Object, Object) in JUnit4 or Assertions.assertIterableEquals(Iterable, Iterable) in JUnit 5 : to use only as both equals() and toString() are overrided for the classes (and deeply) of the compared objects

    It matters because the equality test in the assertion relies on equals() and the test failure message relies on toString() of the compared objects.
    As String overrides both equals() and toString(), it is perfectly valid to assert the List<String> with assertEquals(Object,Object). And about this matter : you have to override equals() in a class because it makes sense in terms of object equality, not only to make assertions easier in a test with JUnit.
    To make assertions easier you have other ways (that you can see in the next points of the answer).

    Is Guava a way to perform/build unit test assertions ?

    Is Google Guava Iterables.elementsEqual() the best way, provided I have the library in my build path, to compare those two lists?

    No it is not. Guava is not an library to write unit test assertions.
    You don't need it to write most (all I think) of unit tests.

    What's the canonical way to compare lists for unit tests?

    As a good practice I favor assertion/matcher libraries.

    I cannot encourage JUnit to perform specific assertions because this provides really too few and limited features : it performs only an assertion with a deep equals.
    Sometimes you want to allow any order in the elements, sometimes you want to allow that any elements of the expected match with the actual, and so for...

    So using a unit test assertion/matcher library such as Hamcrest or AssertJ is the correct way.
    The actual answer provides a Hamcrest solution. Here is a AssertJ solution.

    org.assertj.core.api.ListAssert.containsExactly() is what you need : it verifies that the actual group contains exactly the given values and nothing else, in order as stated :

    Verifies that the actual group contains exactly the given values and nothing else, in order.

    Your test could look like :

    import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
    void ofComponent_AssertJ() throws Exception {
       MyObject myObject = MyObject.ofComponents("One", "Two", "Three");
                 .containsExactly("One", "Two", "Three");

    A AssertJ good point is that declaring a List as expected is needless : it makes the assertion straighter and the code more readable :

             .containsExactly("One", "Two", "Three");

    And if the test fails :

    // Fail : Three was not expected 
              .containsExactly("One", "Two");

    you get a very clear message such as :



    <["One", "Two", "Three"]>

    to contain exactly (and in same order):

    <["One", "Two"]>

    but some elements were not expected:


    Assertion/matcher libraries are a must because these will really further

    Suppose that MyObject doesn't store Strings but Foos instances such as :

    public class MyFooObject {
        private List<Foo> values;
        public static MyFooObject ofComponents(Foo... values) {
            // ...
        public List<Foo> getComponents(){
            return new ArrayList<>(values);

    That is a very common need. With AssertJ the assertion is still simple to write. Better you can assert that the list content are equal even if the class of the elements doesn't override equals()/hashCode() while JUnit ways require that :

    import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
    import static org.assertj.core.groups.Tuple.tuple;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
    void ofComponent() throws Exception {
        MyFooObject myObject = MyFooObject.ofComponents(new Foo(1, "One"), new Foo(2, "Two"), new Foo(3, "Three"));
                  .extracting(Foo::getId, Foo::getName)
                  .containsExactly(tuple(1, "One"),
                                   tuple(2, "Two"),
                                   tuple(3, "Three"));
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  • 2021-02-01 00:47

    For excellent code-readability, Fest Assertions has nice support for asserting lists

    So in this case, something like:

    Assertions.assertThat(returnedComponents).containsExactly("One", "Two", "Three");

    Or make the expected list to an array, but I prefer the above approach because it's more clear.

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  • 2021-02-01 00:51

    The equals() method on your List implementation should do elementwise comparison, so

    assertEquals(argumentComponents, returnedComponents);

    is a lot easier.

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