I would like to plot the results of a multivariate logistic regression analysis (GLM) for a specific independent variables adjusted (i.e. independent of the confounders included
dataset <- expand.grid(Temp = rnorm(30), Age = runif(10))
dataset$Truth <- with(dataset, plogis(2 * Temp - 3 * Age))
dataset$Sample <- rbinom(nrow(dataset), size = 1, prob = dataset$Truth)
model <- glm(Sample ~ Temp + Age, data = dataset, family = binomial)
newdata <- expand.grid(
Temp = pretty(dataset$Temp, 20),
Age = pretty(dataset$Age, 5))
newdata$Sample <- predict(model, newdata = newdata, type = "response")
ggplot(newdata, aes(x = Temp, y = Sample)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~Age)
ggplot(newdata, aes(x = Temp, y = Sample, colour = Age, group = Age)) +