Given an NxNxN binary array (containing only 0\'s or 1\'s), how can we obtain the largest cuboid with a non-trivial solution i.e. in O(N^3) ?
It is the same p
"cross the edge" property of the array is handled in obvious way: iterate every index twice and keep all cumulative sums not larger than N.
For multidimensional case, this algorithm has O(ND logD-1 N) time complexity and O(D*ND) space complexity.
Step 4 of the algorithm sets a global value for M. This step may be excluded (and complexity decreased by log N) if value for M is determined locally.
To do this, step 5 should be improved. It should maintain a double-ended queue (head of which contains local value of M) and a stack (keeping starting positions for all values of M, evicted from the queue).
While c(i,j,k) increases, it is appended to the tail of the queue.
If c(i,j,k) decreases, all larger values are removed from the queue's tail. If it decreases further (queue is empty), stack is used to restore 'sum' value and put corresponding 'M' value to the queue.
Then several elements may be removed from the head of the queue (and pushed to the stack) if this allows to increase local solution's value.
For multidimensional case, this optimization gives O(ND logD-2 N) complexity.
Here is only O(N^4).
Lets assume you are storing cubiod in bool cuboid[N][N][N];
bool array2d[N][N];
for(int x_min = 0; x_min < N; x_min++) {
//initializing array2d
for(int y = 0; y < N; y++) {
for(int z = 0; z < N; z++) {
array2d[y][z] = true;
for(int x_max = x_min; x_max < N; x_max++) {
// now we want to find largest cube that
// X coordinates are equal to x_min and x_max
// cells at y,z can be used in cube if and only if
// there are only 1's in cuboid[x][y][z] where x_min <= x <= x_max
// so lets compute for each cell in array2d,
// if are only 1's in cuboid[x][y][z] where x_min <= x <= x_max
for(int y = 0; y < N; y++) {
for(int z = 0; z < N; z++) {
array2d[y][z] &= cubiod[x_max][y][z];
//you already know how to find largest rectangle in 2d in O(N^2)
local_volume = (x_max - x_min + 1) * find_largest_area(array2d);
largest_volume = max(largest_volumne, local_volume);
You can use the same trick, to compute best solution in X dimentions. Just reduce the problem to X-1 dimensions. Complexity: O(N^(2*X-2)).