I am trying to create a plot with multiple stacked histograms like example 8 here. But for my data, each group has the same four categories.
use the lt
specifier behind newhistogram in order to specify the first color gnuplot should use. I wrote a little script that might does what you want;)
set style data histogram
set style histogram rowstack gap 1
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 0.9
set key autotitle columnheader
set key outside below center horizontal
plot newhistogram "1" lt 1, 'addresses.dat' u 2:xtic(1), '' u 3, '' u 4, '' u 5,\
newhistogram "2" lt 1, 'addresses.dat' u 6:xtic(1) notitle, '' u 7 notitle, \
'' u 8 notitle, '' u 9 notitle
Hope that helps