I am loading an HTML page that has a form. I would like to be able to dismiss the keyboard when the user clicks on GO or if he clicks on the SUBMIT button on the HTML page.
A more concise way without needing to know what element is selected is the following:
[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.activeElement.blur()"];
UIGestureRecogniser will help to dismiss the keyboard when user clicks on the WebView. Here is the piece of code i used.
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.handleTap(_:)))
tap.delegate = self
@objc func handleTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) { webView?.endEditing(true) }
func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWith otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
return true
Hope the helps.
You can use javascript to take the focus away from the HTML text field using blur:
The javascript approach is clever, but this is more direct:
[webView endEditing:YES];
I'm not so familiar with UIWebView, but normally you would dismiss your keyboard like so...
[textField resignFirstResponder];
By doing that, the keyboard would be dismissed...
To have the keyboard be dismissed when say the user clicks the return button, you would need to implement the delegate method.
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
Apple's documentation has a full list of methods for the UITextFieldDelegate.