Right away I would say, that I read this question Doctrine2 Paginator, but it doesn\'t give me enough information regarding the title of my question.
When I used Doctrin
The paginator usage is as following:
$paginator = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator($query);
$totalItems = count($paginator);
$pagesCount = ceil($totalItems / $pageSize);
// now get one page's items:
->setFirstResult($pageSize * ($currentPage-1)) // set the offset
->setMaxResults($pageSize); // set the limit
foreach ($paginator as $pageItem) {
echo "<li>" . $pageItem->getName() . "</li>";
Or some other loop:
for ($i=0; $i < $pagesCount; $i++) {
if ($currentPage == ($i+1)) {
$pagination1 .= '<li class="active"><a href="'.\URL::current().'?pagina='.($i+1).'" title="">'.($i+1).'</a></li>';
$pagination1 .= '<li><a href="'.\URL::current().'?pagina='.($i+1).'">'.($i+1).'</a></li>';