I\'m new to using docker and am configuring a container.
I am unable to edit /etc/hosts (but need to for some software I\'m developing). Auto-edit (via sudo or root) of the
I have recently stumbled upon a need to add an entry into /etc/hosts
file as well (in order to make sendmail
I ended up making it part of the Dockerfile
's CMD
declaration like this:
CMD echo " noreply.example.com $(hostname)" >> /etc/hosts \
&& sendmailconfig \
&& cron -f
So it effectively is not a part of the image, but it is always available after creating a container from the image.
See @Thomas answer:
/etc/hosts is now writable as of Docker 1.2.
You can use this hack in the meanwhile
In your Dockerfile:
ADD your_hosts_file /tmp/hosts
RUN mkdir -p -- /lib-override && cp /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_files.so.2 /lib-override
RUN perl -pi -e 's:/etc/hosts:/tmp/hosts:g' /lib-override/libnss_files.so.2
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /lib-override
is now writable as of Docker 1.2.
From Docker's blog:
Note, however, that changes to these files are not saved during a docker build and so will not be preserved in the resulting image. The changes will only “stick” in a running container.
This is currently a technical limitation of Docker, and is discussed further at https://github.com/dotcloud/docker/issues/2267.
It will eventually be lifted.
For now, you need to work around it, e.g. by using a custom dnsmasq