Inspired by this question which started out innocently but is turning into a major flame war.
Let\'s say you need to a utility method - reasonably straightforward but no
For me this would be a fairly easy answer.
If you need to be cost effective, then it would probably be best to try and find a library/framework that does what you want. If you can't find it, then you will be forced to write it or find a different approach.
If you have the time and find it fun, write one. You will learn a lot along the way and you can give back to the open source community with you killer new bundle of code. If you don't, well, then don't. But if you can't find one, then you have to write it anyway ;)
Personally, if I can justify writing a library, I always opt for that. It's fun, you learn a lot about what you are directing your focus towards, and you have another tool to add to your arsenal and put on your CV.