Is there a way to determine a string is English or Arabic?
A minor change to cover all arabic characters and symbols range
private boolean isArabic(String text){
String textWithoutSpace = text.trim().replaceAll(" ",""); //to ignore whitepace
for (int i = 0; i < textWithoutSpace.length();) {
int c = textWithoutSpace.codePointAt(i);
//range of arabic chars/symbols is from 0x0600 to 0x06ff
//the arabic letter 'لا' is special case having the range from 0xFE70 to 0xFEFF
if (c >= 0x0600 && c <=0x06FF || (c >= 0xFE70 && c<=0xFEFF))
i += Character.charCount(c);
return false;
return true;
You can usually tell by the code points within the string itself. Arabic occupies certain blocks in the Unicode code space.
It's a fairly safe bet that, if a substantial proportion of the characters exist in those blocks (such as بلدي الحوامات مليء الثعابينة
), it's Arabic text.