I am familiar with AWS Java SDK, I also tried to browse the corresponding Javadoc, but I could not realize how do I create a sub directory, i.e., a directory object within a buc
There are no "sub-directories" in S3. There are buckets and there are keys within buckets.
You can emulate traditional directories by using prefix searches. For example, you can store the following keys in a bucket:
and then do a prefix search for foo/
and you will get back:
See AmazonS3.listObjects for more details.
Update: Assuming you already have an existing bucket, the key under that bucket would contain the /
s3.putObject("someBucket", "foo/bar1", file1);
s3.putObject("someBucket", "foo/bar2", file2);
Then you can list all keys starting with foo/
ObjectListing listing = s3.listObjects("someBucket", "foo/");
if You want to create folder then you need to use put command using following keys to create folder1 in:
in root of bucket -> folder1/folder1_$folder$
in path folder2/folder3/ -> folder2/folder3/folder1/folder1_$folder$
It is always all_previous_folders/folderName/folderName_$folder$
In newer versions of the SDK, you can do something like this (no need to create empty InputStream) to create an empty folder:
String key = parentKey + newFolderName;
if (!StringUtils.endsWith(key, "/")) {
key += "/";
PutObjectRequest putRequest = PutObjectRequest.builder()
s3Client.putObject(putRequest, RequestBody.empty());
Leaving this answer here just in case someone stumbles upon this. I have been using aws sdk version - 1.11.875 and the following successfully created a folder for me when trying to upload a file into S3 bucket. I did not have to explicitly create the folder as mentioned in the earlier answer.
private void uploadFileToS3Bucket(final String bucketName, final File file) {
final String fileName = "parent/child/" + file.getName();
final PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, fileName, file);
This will create the parent and parent/child folders in the specified S3 bucket and upload the file into child folder.
S3 doesn't see directories in the traditional way we do this on our operating systems. Here is how you can create a directory:
public static void createFolder(String bucketName, String folderName, AmazonS3 client) {
// create meta-data for your folder and set content-length to 0
ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
// create empty content
InputStream emptyContent = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]);
// create a PutObjectRequest passing the folder name suffixed by /
PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName,
folderName + SUFFIX, emptyContent, metadata);
// send request to S3 to create folder
As casablanca already said you can upload files to directories like this:
s3.putObject("someBucket", "foo/bar1", file1);
Read the whole tutorial here for details, and the most important thing is you will find info how to delete the directories.
This worked for me. I used spring boot and file uploaded according to Multipart mechanism. I wanted to save my images inside the photos folder in my aws s3 bucket. My need is save like this photos/mypic.jpg
----controller class method----
public String uploadFile(@RequestPart(value = "file") MultipartFile file) throws IOException {
return this.amazonClient.uploadFile(file);
----service class (Implementation of controller)----
public String uploadFile(MultipartFile multipartFile) throws IOException {
try {
File file = convertMultiPartToFile(multipartFile);
String fileName = "photoes/"+generateFileName(multipartFile); //here give any folder name you want
uploadFileTos3bucket(fileName, file);
} catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
logger.info("Caught an AmazonServiceException from GET requests, rejected reasons:");
return fileName;
The point is concatenate the folder name you want as prefix of the fileName
additionally I will show you how to delete folder. The point is give the folder name as the keyName(key name is uploaded object name in the s3 bucket.). I will show code snippet also.
----controller class method----
public String deleteFile(@RequestPart(value = "keyName") String keyName) {
return this.amazonClient.deleteFile(keyName);
----service class (Implementation of controller)----
public String deleteFile(String keyName){
try {
s3client.deleteObject(new DeleteObjectRequest(bucketName, keyName));
} catch (SdkClientException e) {
return "deleted file successfully!";
for delete photos folder that we created , call method like this. deleteFile("photos/")
important:- / is mandatory