How to include git revision into angular-cli application?

前端 未结 9 2205
甜味超标 2021-01-31 16:40

I need to display git revision on my angular2 application\'s about page. The project is based on angular-cli.

How can build be extended so git revision is put for exampl

  • 2021-01-31 16:59

    For angular 6

    1 Install git-describe as a dev dependency

     npm i git-describe -s

    2 On your root project create a grab-git-info.js

       const { gitDescribeSync } = require('git-describe');
       const { writeFileSync } = require('fs');
       const path = require('path');
       const info = gitDescribeSync();
       const infoJson = JSON.stringify(info, null, 2);
       writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '/src/git-version.json'), infoJson);

    The output of the grab-git-info.js script will be the ‘git-version.json’ file under /src/ which will contain all the git info needed by our app.

    In order to be able to import the json file (or any other json file) we need to add a definition file declaring of the added module so that the Typescript compiler will recognize it.

    1. Under your /src create typings.d.ts file (read more about typings.d.ts here:


     declare module '*.json' {
       const value: any;
       export default value;

    From this point on you can import any json file located under /src as a module!

    In your component you can import this json

     import * as data from '../../../git-version.json';
     public git = data;

    In the html

     Rev: {{git.hash}}

    Finally Add and most important, run the script before build

    In package.json add:

    "scripts": {
      "ng": "ng",
      "start": "ng serve",
      "build": "node grab-git-info && ng build",

    And run the app with

     npm run build
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-31 17:08

    The other answers were helpful, but I preferred a more simple, direct approach. Here's mine.

    Run npm install git-describe --save-dev. Then add git-version.js to the root:

    // This script runs operations *synchronously* which is normally not the best
    // approach, but it keeps things simple, readable, and for now is good enough.
    const { gitDescribeSync } = require('git-describe');
    const { writeFileSync } = require('fs');
    const gitInfo = gitDescribeSync();
    const versionInfoJson = JSON.stringify(gitInfo, null, 2);
    writeFileSync('git-version.json', versionInfoJson);

    Optionally you can add /git-version.json to your .gitignore file.

    Update your package.json to do something like this:

    "scripts": {
      "build": "node git-version.js && ng build"

    Then add version-info.ts to the root of your project:

    export const versionInfo = (() => {
      try {
        // tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires
        return require('../../git-version.json');
      } catch {
        // In dev the file might not exist:
        return { tag: 'v0.0.0', hash: 'dev' };

    And import the versionInfo in your app.component.ts or anywhere else you'd want to use it.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-31 17:08

    I like to keep things simple. Can add to your index.html:

    <script>window.version = '{git-hash}';</script>

    Then add a postbuild script to your package.json:

    "postbuild": "sed -i '' \"s/{git\\-hash}/$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)/g\" dist/*/index.html"

    Not elegant by any means. Personally I create an object on window with various information about the build (time, version, and a release summary link).

    To stay more 'pure', stick the {git-hash} string in and run the sed against all main-*.js files produced.

    "postbuild": "sed -i '' \"s/{git\\-hash}/$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)/g\" dist/*/main-*.js"

    Note you'll always see '{git-hash}' running locally as it's only replaced post-build. If you replace it before the build, obviously can't replace it on future builds locally and would most definitely accidentally check that in.

    ---- UPDATE ----

    Ended up creating a library to pull various information. Only ended up using version, build time, and commitTime personally.

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