Is it possible to create an Alias record in Route 53 to a resource in another AWS account?
Use Case:
I have 2 AWS accounts. My domain is configured with a hosted
Now AWS updated the Alias records info and it is much more clear, basically you add the DNS entry for the resource in the alias field.
So I've found the solution. You can in fact create an Alias record to a resource in another account.
The answer is in the documentation although it's description is a little vague in my opinion. See here under the ELB heading.
If you used different accounts to create your Amazon Route 53 hosted zone and your load balancer – Enter the value that you got in the procedure Getting the DNS Name for an ELB Load Balancer.
As a result, here's what I did:
I saved the record and it worked straight away.
After you paste in your ELB's DNS name, you'll notice that the Alias Hosted Zone ID matches the Hosted Zone ID in your ELB's description tab.
For those who're looking for why it doesn't work after you followed the procedure:
that is probably that you have another domain in the other account, in this case, don't forget to add a listener rule to the target ELB.