I made a small Flask application and I would like users to be able to authenticate with their Windows NT IDs. I am not a part of the IT team, so I have limited insight into this
It is quite easy to work with Flask as it is a lightweight and plugin-based Python web framework.
Things you will need for LDAP Configuration
You need to install Flask-LDAP plugin
pip install Flask-LDAP
and here is a basic example to get you started:
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.ldap import LDAP, login_required
app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = True
app.config['LDAP_HOST'] = 'ldap.example.com'
app.config['LDAP_DOMAIN'] = 'example.com'
app.config['LDAP_SEARCH_BASE'] = 'OU=Domain Users,DC=example,DC=com'
ldap = LDAP(app)
app.secret_key = "welfhwdlhwdlfhwelfhwlehfwlehfelwehflwefwlehflwefhlwefhlewjfhwelfjhweflhweflhwel"
app.add_url_rule('/login', 'login', ldap.login, methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
# @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
# def login():
# pass
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(debug=True, host="")
More details can be found here
For Name: Flask-LDAP, Version: 0.1.6
use this:
To install:
pip install Flask-LDAP
and import by:
from flask import Flask
from flask_ldap import LDAP, login_required
then follow along Priyank's example.