I\'m interested in using OCaml for a project, however I\'m not sure about where its parallelization capabilities are anymore. Is there a message passing ability in OCaml? Is O
BSMLlib provides a simplified programming interface for data-parallel programming in OCaml. Its execution amounts to BSP-style message passing but it is deterministic and even declarative for a subset of OCaml. The key concept is the 'a par type which corresponds to a vector of values, one per process.
http://traclifo.univ-orleans.fr/BSML/ http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulk_Synchronous_Parallel_ML
Gaétan Hains University Paris-Est
At present, the OCaml runtime does not support running across multiple cores in parallel, so a single OCaml process cannot take advantage of multiple cores. This is unlikely to change directly; the direction the OCaml developers are most interested in taking for increased parallelism seems to be allowing multiple OCaml runtimes to run in parallel in a single process; this will allow for very fast message passing, but will not allow multiple threads to run in parallel in a shared-memory configuration. The major hangup is the garbage collector; some years ago, the team experimented with a concurrent GC, but it introduced unacceptable slowdowns in the single-threaded case.
There are a couple of projects, namely Functory and OCamlnet, which provide multicore-happy parallelism by using multiple processes.
In general, the OCaml community tends to favor message passing approaches, which can be done across process boundaries (like OCamlnet does), over single-process shared-memory multithreading. If your program can be split into multiple processes (many can!), then yes, you can efficiently use multiple CPUs.
This 2009 issue of the Caml weekly news ("CWN", a digest of interesting messages from the caml list) shows that:
the official party line on threads and Ocaml hasn't changed. A notable quote:
(...) in general, the whole standard library is not thread-safe. Probably that should be stated in the documentation for the threads library, but there isn't much point in documenting it per standard library module. -- X. Leroy
(for how Ocaml threads can still be useful, see a remark by the culprit himself in another question on SO)
the most frequently adopted paradigm for parallelism is message-passing, and of note is X. Leroy's OcamlMPI, providing bindings for programming in SPMD style against the MPI standard. The same CWN issue I pointed to above provides references to examples, and numerous other related projects.
another message-passing solution is JoCaml, pioneering new style of concurrent communications known as join calculus. Note that it is binary-compatible with OCaml compilers.
that did not prevent the confection of a runtime whose GC is ok with parallelism, though: see a discussion of OCAML4MC in this other issue of the CWN.
There is also:
Netmulticore - multi-processing sharing ocaml values via mapped shared memory.
CamlP3l - compiler for Caml parallel programs.
OCaml-Java - an OCaml compiler that emits Java bytecode
I haven't followed more recent discussions about Ocaml & parallel programming, though. I'm leaving this CW so that others can update what I mention. It would be great if this question could reach the same level of completeness as the analogous one for Haskell.