Lot of "new" language target one or the other well-in-place VM, namely JVM or CLR. It allows to concentrate on design of syntax and "philosophy" more than on implementation (leveraging existing optimized VM, GC, libraries, etc.).
Interestingly, some languages target both platforms, like the Fan Programming Language.
Other languages just translate themselves to another language (usually C), thus relying on some portable or local optimized compiler to do a good job.
I found Haxe interesting because it targets several languages/VM: JavaScript, Flash, NekoVM or even PHP.
As others said, it is hard to find really new concepts, today. Partly because a lot have been explored already, partly because lot of programmers are lazy and confused if a new language doesn't use a familiar syntax (I saw lot of complaints of people in the Lua mailing list, requesting the use of { and } instead of do/end -- see also complaints against JavaFX not being Java...), let alone a new concept!