never done web programming before. Is there a way to set breakpoints, see variable values in eclipse? The app i want to debug makes a Query string whcih i would like to easily e
Click External Tools Config,
Select program and click the new button top left. Set location to your maven binary working directory to local workspace and arguments to jetty:run
In the environment tab set the maven opts. Notice socket address = 4000 and suspend=y
The go to debug configurations and add a new remote application. Add a project name and set the socket address. Now run the External tool it should say:
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 4000
Then you can debug the remote app and add breakpoints etc.
I would run the application with maven using the command: mvnDebug jetty:run
And setup a remote Java application using port 8000, in Eclipse IDE.
See the 'Setting up Maven 2.0.8+' section of:
The answer for this post shows you the flags need to pass to the JVM for a remote debugger to attach.
Remote debug Jetty (no mvn, no plugins)
This is the page that explains remote debuggers for the JVM
"Trying to run it this way i get CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application."
On windows select mvn.bat instead of mvn.exe.
If by any chance you are using intellij. It is way easier. Make sure you have jetty plugin installed. Then
I would just expand eaykin's answer as the URL is broken.
Run the Mvn Debug as bellow...
$ mvnDebug -Dmaven.test.skip -Denvironment=dev clean jetty:run
This will wait on port 8000
Preparing to Execute Maven in Debug Mode Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000
Then go to the Eclipse Run --> Debug Configurations --> Remote Java Applications Define Host as 'localhost' and port as 8000 if they are not default.
If you click on the "Debug" button, this will start the application from mvn.