I am using Google Maps API v3 on a website I am developing. I have a drop-down box beneath my map which allows the user to switch between different sets of markers to be display
There doesn't seem to be a callback or event listener for setMap(), but I figured out a way to accomplish what I wanted. I am loading the Google Map using jQuery. Here is my code.
When initializing the map, I set up a listener for the 'idle' event, which hides the "loading" animation. The 'idle' event is triggered whenever the map is finished redrawing after a scroll or zoom change:
google.maps.event.addListener(this.map, 'idle', function() {
And in my function to clear overlays, I first show the loading animation, then clear each marker using setMap(null). Then I very slightly recenter the map by changing the longitude by .000000001. This happens after all the setMap() calls, and triggers the 'idle' event which hides the loading animation.
// clear overlays from the map
function clearOverlays() {
// clear the markers from the active data array
if (activeData) {
for (i in activeData) { activeData[i].setMap(null); }
activeData = '';
// very slightly recenter the map to trigger the 'idle' event
var centerlat = MYMAP.map.getCenter().lat();
var centerlng = MYMAP.map.getCenter().lng() + .000000001;
recenter = new google.maps.LatLng(centerlat, centerlng);
It is a bit of a hack, but I hope someone else finds this useful.
Maybe this would help: http://www.basicslabs.com/Projects/progressBar/#Examples
and the example: http://www.basicslabs.com/Projects/progressBar/example/progressBar.html