I have a Logo model that has fields of name:string, default:boolean. I want the true value to be unique, so that only one item in the database can be set to true at once. How do
I also recommend falsifying all your records then making them true.
add_column :users, :name ,:boolean, default: false
class Model < ApplicationRecord
before_save :ensure_single_default, if: :is_default?
def ensure_single_default
self.class.update_all(is_default: false)
You don't need to check the id because this callback happens before the truthy one is saved.
I think it's good to check if the one you save is true before you falsify others. Otherwise you falsify everyone when you save a record that isn't active.
def falsify_all_others
if self.default
self.class.where('id != ? and default', self.id).update_all("default = 'false'")
This code is stolen from previous answer and slightly simplified:
def falsify_all_others
Item.where('id != ?', self.id).update_all("default = 'false'")
You can use this method in before_save callback in your model.
Actually, it is better to "falsify" only records which values are 'true', like this:
Item.where('id != ? and default', self.id).update_all("default = 'false'")
UPDATE: to keep code DRY, use self.class
instead of Item
self.class.where('id != ? and default', self.id).update_all("default = 'false'")
If you're coming here in a more recent time and are using Rails 6, this should be covered on the database level as well as the model level:
db level:
add_index :items, :default, unique: true, where: '(default IS TRUE)', algorithm: :concurrently
model level:
class Item < ApplicationRecord
scope :default, -> { where(default: true) }
validates :default, uniqueness: { conditions: -> { default } }
if you want this to work for creating and updating (rails v4) make note of this tidbit from rails guides
after_save runs both on create and update, but always after the more specific callbacks after_create and after_update, no matter the order in which the macro calls were executed.