I\'m really going mad with this problem! I have an app that contains a simple Helper app which manages the login item for the Main app.
When I try to submit the app I g
The only solution that seems to solve this problem was codesign and sandboxing the helper app from Xcode and then:
Re-Codesign the Helper app from terminal
codesign -f -s "3rd Party mac Developer Application:" -i
"com.bundle.YOUR.HELPER" --entitlements path/to/helper/entitlements
Remove provisioning profile from Helper app, adding a "Run script" into the "Build Phases"
With this solution we've correctly submitted our App.
For anyone else coming across this problem, you don't have to codesign the helper app a second time, just remove the "embedded.provisionprofile" from the helper app in the xarchive and you can submit no problem.
I was finally able to resolve this problem by deleting the embedded.provisionprofile file from the helper app by adding the following run script:
if [ -f "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile" ];
rm "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile"
echo "Removed embedded provisioning profile."
echo "No profile found"
I had the 3rd error when I accidentally included some 3rd-party .a files in my target. (They're needed for non-App Store distribution but I'd forgotten to exclude them for the App Store build). The error wasn't too helpful in tracking this down!