If you think in the long term as well as the short term, Haskell is the best option. It has many different web developments, but there are a lot of commonalities in them, for example all the frameworks use applicative functors for form creation, and the libraries are interchangeable . So if you learn a framework it is easy to change to other since basically the database interface, rendering etc techniques/libraries are the same most of the time. On the other side, there are many things to learn form Haskell even if you decide to change to other language. You will benefit from it. So definitively Haskell is worth to learn.
Thinking as an investment on the future, but perhaps not for doing something terribly critical now, I think that procedural frameworks (either continuation-based or not) are the future of web development, since they are less complex and the code is much more maintainable and intuitive. Examples are: ocsigen (ocaml), seaside (smalltalk), coccoon (javascript), and my own: mflow written in Haskell.
Have you ever seen a three page Web application in a tweet? https://twitter.com/AGoCorona/status/329648864082677760