Permalinks on Wordpress EC2

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攒了一身酷 2021-01-31 10:28

I have just transferred my blog from my local webserver to Amazon EC2 Free Linux server, Everything seems to be working now except for permalinks, I disabled and re-enabled them

  • 2021-01-31 11:09

    For Ubuntu, change the "AllowOverride All" at the following location:

    "The additional step I had to take was to edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.

    In that file you'll find an AllowOverride setting for /var/www, saying "None".

    Change the setting to say: AllowOverride All "

    Credit to ljonas @

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  • 2021-01-31 11:09

    There are written and video instructions located here

        <Directory /var/www/html/>
         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
         AllowOverride All
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  • 2021-01-31 11:10

    AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files. It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords: Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit

    AllowOverride All

    when i set this on my server, then i got 503 internal server error, any advi please?

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  • 2021-01-31 11:16

    Your server may not have the AllowOverride directive enabled. If the AllowOverride directive is set to None in your Apache httpd.config file, then .htaccess files are completely ignored.

    In this case, the server will not even attempt to read .htaccess files in the filesystem. When this directive is set to All, then any directive which has the .htaccess Context is allowed in .htaccess files. Example of enabled AllowOverride directive in httpd.config:

    Options FollowSymLinks

    AllowOverride All

    This link may also be helpful:

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  • 2021-01-31 11:22

    I just had this same issue and, assuming you are using httpd, you will need to go to /etc/httpd/conf then open http.conf by running sudo vi httpd.conf and then change "AllowOverride" to:

    <Directory />
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All

    You may also need to change AllowOverride All here:

    # AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
    # It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
    #   Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
        AllowOverride All

    Then you need to restart httpd by running apachectl -k restart. Note, you may need to actually run sudo apachectl -k restart.

    Let me know if that helps.

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  • 2021-01-31 11:23

    On AWS my file was in a slightly different location:

    sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

    After changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All in both locaitons and restarting with sudo service httpd restart permalink redirects work great!

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