is it possible to use iptables in order to permit traffic initiated by a \"process\", ie using the process name? I would like for example to allow everything that is initiated b
The French Wikipedia page about iptables states that the possibility to filter with --pid-owner or --cmd-owner was removed starting from kernel 2.6.14... and links to the kernel changelog where I couldn't check this assertion since I am not a specialist of what the kernel internal structures are for!
The equivalent page in English does not go into that level of detail.
Filtering with UID/GID still works.
It looks like the owner iptables module is that what you want. First, check if it's available in Your system:
iptables -m owner --help
You can read more here:
Building on @Bgs's answer, I would do it like this:
sudo addgroup --system snitch
sudo adduser $USER snitch
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner snitch -j LOG --log-prefix 'Snitch: '
sudo ip6tables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner snitch -j LOG --log-prefix 'Snitch: '
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner snitch -j REJECT
sudo ip6tables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner snitch -j REJECT
dmesg -w
or any other similar means:sg snitch 'your target program'
If there is a way to get a process's pid before it starts, then I've never heard about it.
You could write a wrapper which forks first, then adds the rule and execs the process (assuming the program you're running doesn't fork again), since the PID is not changed by the exec(3) call.
/* NOTE this contains zero error checking */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
/* Eat argv[0] the name of the wrapper script */
pid_t my_pid = getpid();
char *iptables_cmd = NULL;
asprintf(&iptables_cmd, "/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -m owner --pid_owner %d -j ACCEPT", my_pid);
execv(argv[0], argv);
-m owner --pid-owner PID
See and
Note that you need the ipt_owner module, as --pid-owner is not supported by xt_owner.
For example (this is just an approximation)
$@ &
iptables -m owner --pid-owner %1 -j REJECT
In reality, though, you're better off using --uid-owner and --gid-owner. First, the --pid-owner criterion only matches the exact pid, meaning your program could easily spawn a child process which would not be blocked by this rule. (At least I haven't read otherwise.) Secondly, iptables(8) warns that --pid-owner is broken on SMP systems (which may or may not apply to you, but in either case limits portability). Third, there is a race condition in the script above, because the process is started before it is blocked. (If there is a way to get a process's pid before it starts, then I've never heard about it.)