Android: How to propagate click event to LinearLayout childs and change their drawable

后端 未结 5 1716
灰色年华 2021-01-31 10:05

I would like to create a linear layout which would behave similarly to ImageButton.

  • 2021-01-31 10:31

    Not only make for every child:


    But also additionally:


    This will prevent unexpected behaviour (or solution simply not working) if clickable child views are used.

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  • 2021-01-31 10:35

    After having the same problem some months later, I found this solution:

    private void setOnClickListeners() {
        super.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
        for (int index = 0; index < super.getChildCount(); index++) {
            View view = super.getChildAt(index);
            view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {
    protected void onClick(View v) {
        // something to do here...
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  • 2021-01-31 10:39

    At first, my child view failed to get click from parent. After investigating, what I need to do to make it work are:

    1. remove click listener on child view
    2. adding click listener on parent view

    So, I don't need to add these on every children.


    I only add duplicateParentState to one of my child view.

    My child view is now listening to parent click event.

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  • 2021-01-31 10:41

    In my case, no one of the other solutions works!

    I finally had to use OnTouchListener as explained here, capturing the event when the user clicks in the parent view, and removing all childs OnClickListener.

    So the idea is, delegate the click behavior to the parent, and notify the child that is really clicked, if you want to propagate the event. ¡¡That's what we are looking for!!

    Then, we need to check which child has been clicked. You can find a reference here to know how it´s done. But the idea is basiclly getting the area of the child, and asking for who contains the clicked coordinates, to perform his action (or not).

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  • 2021-01-31 10:44



    in your ImageView and TextView..then the views get its drawable state (focused, pressed, etc.) from its direct parent rather than from itself.

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