I am a newbie in Grails and I am struggling with many simple issues.
For instance, I haven\'t managed to find a proper way to go back to the last visited page when I log
The easiest way to redirect to the last page, is to use the URI directly:
<g:link controller="user" action="logout" params="[targetUri: (request.forwardURI - request.contextPath)]">Logout</g:link>
is the complete URL as displayed in the browser, while request.contextPath
is the URL part representing the app context, eg. "http://localhost:8080/yourApp" - thus, the result of removing the context path from the forward URI is the app-relative URI, eg. "/mycontroller/myaction")
In your logout action simply redirect to this URI:
def targetUri = params.targetUri ?: "/"
redirect(uri: targetUri)
AFAIK, using the referrer is not entirely safe, because this relies on the user agent (browser) to append the referrer HTTP header (which may have been disabled).
As to your 2nd question: Grails automatically interprets list or map attribute values in GSPs as Groovy expressions. So, this
<g:link controller="user" action="logout" params="[currentController: params.controller, currentAction: params.action]">Logout</g:link>
is equivalent to
<g:link controller="user" action="logout" params="${[currentController: params.controller, currentAction: params.action]}">Logout</g:link>
and wrapping parts of this expression again in ${...}
seems to confuse the GSP compiler.
Hope this helps.
I'm using this controller-side:
redirect(uri: request.getHeader('referer') )
Another alternative is to build the url with createLink using the current: actionName, controllerName and params.
<g:link controller="user" action="logout" params="[targetUri: createLink(controller: controllerName, action:actionName, params:params, absolute:true)]">Logout</g:link>
This will create an absolute url, because of the absolute:true
In GSP view file you can use as such.
<g:link url="${request.getHeader('referer')}"> Back </g:link>