I installed Vagrant on Windows 10 so I can create a personal local development environment in a virtual machine. Everything I\'ve read about Vagrant said I c
Downgrade to Virtual Box 5.1.14 from 5.1.16 works fine.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
This didn't work for me, it seems to be incompatible with vagrant 1.9.2, I uninstalled the latest version of virtual box (5.1.16) and installed version 5.1.12 with the latest version of vagrant 1.9.2 and homestead and it works for me.
I have similar issue, check header if it's not match then run below command
CentOS: sudo yum update && sudo yum -y install kernel-headers kernel-devel
vagrant reload
it works for me.
I am using Vagrant 1.9.4 and VirtualBox 5.1.20. No solution here helped me.
I finally got around the problem by disabling auto updates for the guest additions:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vbguest.auto_update = false
It's more of a hacky workaround than a solution. I still don't really know what the actual issue is, but I assume it is connected to this: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/16670
It is bug in Vbox. There is an solution to fix.
Login to Vbox guestos: By default password is (vagrant/vagrant)
ln -sf /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-5.1.20/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/mount.vboxsf /sbin/mount.vboxsf
mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=1000 vagrant /vagrant
run cmd in from local machine cmd prompt:
vagrant up
It will work.