Is there a quick way to output the value of variable in a rspec test? Something like this for example, in a controller to output a variable, I do:
raise variable
You can use the gem pry to do this
bundle install
Now you can any test any variable by putting "binding.pry" just after that variable. Run bundle exec rspec filepath
and you will get something like rails c, then write directly your variable.
I hope it makes sense
If you want the output to go into the log file (i.e. logs/test.log), you can use the rails logger.
Rails.logger.debug variable.inspect
Rails.logger.debug variable.to_yaml
If you want to see the output in the console, you can use the pretty printer 'pp'.
require 'pp'
it 'does something'
thing = Factory(:something)
pp thing
Or you can use good 'ol puts
puts thing.to_yaml
At this moment (Rails 4) you can log it:
p variable
Use this:
$stderr.puts variable.to_yaml