How to move a view above Snackbar just like FloatingButton

前端 未结 8 520
伪装坚强ぢ 2021-01-31 07:50

I got a linear layout that I want to move up when a Snackbar appears.

I saw many examples how to do this with FloatingButton, but what about a regular view?

  • I've written a library which additional views can be added to animate with the SnackProgressBar. It also includes progressBar and other stuff. Try it out

    Suppose you have the following views to animate.

    View[] views = {view1, view2, view3};

    Create an instance of SnackProgressBarManager in your activity and includes the view to animate.

    SnackProgressBarManager snackProgressBarManager = new SnackProgressBarManager(rootView)

    When a SnackProgressBar is shown or dismissed, these views will be animated accordingly.

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  • 2021-01-31 08:13

    A further improvement Travis Castillo's answer.
    This fixes the janky animation + converts to Kotlin.

    There is no need to manually do a Y translation since it's handled automatically.
    Manually doing the Y translation actually makes the animation look janky.

    import android.content.Context
    import android.util.AttributeSet
    import android.view.View
    import androidx.annotation.Keep
    import androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout
    import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat
    import kotlin.math.min
    import kotlin.math.roundToInt
     * To use this, the parent container must be a CoordinatorLayout.
     * This can be applied to a child ViewGroup with app:layout_behavior="com.example.MoveUpwardBehavior"
    class MoveUpwardBehavior(context: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?) : CoordinatorLayout.Behavior<View>(context, attrs) {
        override fun layoutDependsOn(parent: CoordinatorLayout, targetView: View, snackBar: View): Boolean {
            return snackBar is SnackbarLayout
         * @param parent - the parent container
         * @param targetView - the view that applies the layout_behavior
         * @param snackBar
        override fun onDependentViewChanged(parent: CoordinatorLayout, targetView: View, snackBar: View): Boolean {
            val bottomPadding = min(0f, snackBar.translationY - snackBar.height).roundToInt()
            //Dismiss last SnackBar immediately to prevent from conflict when showing SnackBars immediately after each other
            //Set bottom padding so the target ViewGroup is not hidden
            targetView.setPadding(targetView.paddingLeft, targetView.paddingTop, targetView.paddingRight, -bottomPadding)
            return true
        override fun onDependentViewRemoved(parent: CoordinatorLayout, targetView: View, snackBar: View) {
            //Reset padding to default value
            targetView.setPadding(targetView.paddingLeft, targetView.paddingTop, targetView.paddingRight, 0)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-31 08:19

    I implemented this and found when the snackbar disappeared the view remained up with white space in the snackbars place, apparently this is known if animations have been disable on the device.

    To fix this I changed the onDependentViewChanged method to store the initial Y position of the view this behaviour is attached to. Then on removal of the snackbar reset the position of that view to the stored Y position

    private static float initialPositionY;
    public boolean onDependentViewChanged(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) {
        initialPositionY = child.getY();
        float translationY = Math.min(0, dependency.getTranslationY() - dependency.getHeight());
        return true;
    public void onDependentViewRemoved(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) {
        super.onDependentViewRemoved(parent, child, dependency);
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-31 08:31

    You need to add a behaviour to your LinearLayout and embed it in a CoordinatorLayout. You might want to read this:

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  • 2021-01-31 08:31

    Based on @Travis Castillo answer. Fixed problems such as:

    • Moving entire layout up and cause the objects on top of view disappear.
    • Doesnt push the layout up when showing SnackBars immediately after eachother.

    So here is fixed code for MoveUpwardBehavior Class :

    import android.content.Context;
    import android.util.AttributeSet;
    import android.view.View;
    public class MoveUpwardBehavior extends CoordinatorLayout.Behavior<View> {
        public MoveUpwardBehavior() {
        public MoveUpwardBehavior(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
            super(context, attrs);
        public boolean layoutDependsOn(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) {
            return dependency instanceof Snackbar.SnackbarLayout;
        public boolean onDependentViewChanged(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) {
            float translationY = Math.min(0, ViewCompat.getTranslationY(dependency) - dependency.getHeight());
            //Dismiss last SnackBar immediately to prevent from conflict when showing SnackBars immediately after eachother
            //Move entire child layout up that causes objects on top disappear
            ViewCompat.setTranslationY(child, translationY);
            //Set top padding to child layout to reappear missing objects
            //If you had set padding to child in xml, then you have to set them here by <child.getPaddingLeft(), ...>
            child.setPadding(0, -Math.round(translationY), 0, 0);
            return true;
        public void onDependentViewRemoved(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) {
            //Reset paddings and translationY to its default
            child.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);

    This codes pushes up what user sees on screen and besides user have access to all objects in your layout while SnackBar is showing.

    If you want the SnackBar cover the objects instead of pushing and besides user do have access to all objects, then you need to change method onDependentViewChanged:

    public boolean onDependentViewChanged(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) {
        float translationY = Math.min(0, ViewCompat.getTranslationY(dependency) - dependency.getHeight());
        //Dismiss last SnackBar immediately to prevent from conflict when showing SnackBars immediately after eachother
        //Padding from bottom instead pushing top and padding from top.
        //If you had set padding to child in xml, then you have to set them here by <child.getPaddingLeft(), ...>
        child.setPadding(0, 0, 0, -Math.round(translationY));
        return true;

    and method onDependentViewRemoved:

    public void onDependentViewRemoved(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) {
        //Reset paddings and translationY to its default
        child.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);

    Unfortunately you will lose animation when user swipe to remove SnackBar. And you have to use ValueAnimator class to make animation for padding changes that makes some conflict here and you have to debug them.

    Any comment about animation for swipe to remove SnackBar appreciated.

    If you can skip that animation then you can use it.

    Anyhow, i recommend first type.

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  • 2021-01-31 08:34

    In addition to Travis Castillo's answer: To allow triggering consecutive SnackBars, within onDependentViewChanged(), you have to cancel any possibly ongoing animation started by onDependentViewRemoved():

    public boolean onDependentViewChanged(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) {
        float translationY = Math.min(0, ViewCompat.getTranslationY(dependency) - dependency.getHeight());
        ViewCompat.animate(child).cancel(); //cancel potential animation started in onDependentViewRemoved()
        ViewCompat.setTranslationY(child, translationY);
        return true;

    Without cancelling, the LinearLayout will jump down below the 2nd SnackBar when a SnackBar is replaced by another SnackBar.

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