Visual Studio 15.8.1 not running MS unit tests

前端 未结 11 1872
清酒与你 2021-01-31 07:53

When I updated Visual Studio to the latest version, 1 of my test projects stopped running tests and outputted this message:

Test project {} does not reference any .NET N

  • 2021-01-31 08:08

    Ok, you can add Nuget packages as asked. But you can also try to disable the following setting (Tools->Options->Test): "For improved performance, only use test adapters in test assembly folder or as specified in runsettings file".

    Let me know if it works for you.

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  • 2021-01-31 08:08

    I had a very similar issue recently with xUnit, the same outcome, however my fix was due to the fact that previously with lower versions of Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk you didn't need XUnit.Runner.VisualStudio explicitly installed.

    When I updated my Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to version 15.9.0 it stopped allowing tests to run until I installed the XUnit.Runner.VisualStudio Nuget.

    Now, This may seem blatantly obvious, but, previously it would cope without it and still work. Now, it does not. The same will probably be true of other test platforms. It worked for me.

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  • 2021-01-31 08:11

    I know that it is stupid, but for me nothing from earlier answers were working. After that I just restart my computer and everything is working correctly :) (My proble was that one day everything was working correctly and next day it stopped working)

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  • 2021-01-31 08:14

    If you are using MS Test, try installing

    MSTest.TestAdapter via nuget or

    if you are using nunit, install

    NUnit3TestAdapterlatest versions via nuget.

    After installing please restart the visual studio and then you can see the tests running.

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  • 2021-01-31 08:16

    My reputation score does not currently allow me to add this as a comment to the accepted answer. For reference, I've appended version numbers to the nuget packages referenced in csharpsql's answer:

    MSTest.TestAdapter v1.3.2
    MSTest.TestFramework v1.3.2
    Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk v15.9.0
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  • 2021-01-31 08:18

    I was trying to run an existing project. I had the .NET Core SDK 3.3 installed, but did not have 2.1 installed. This was causing the tests to silently fail.

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