Docker: Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?

前端 未结 12 1358
时光说笑 2021-01-31 07:47

On Linux Mint 17.1 x86_64 with kernel 3.13.0-48-generic and OpenSSL version 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.11; whenever I try to execute any docker command (like docker login or <

  • 2021-01-31 08:02

    Ran into the same problem this morning. You may just want to do service docker start. It works for centos (Could work for all), and its one of those small nagging things i forget all the time.

    Technically when you first install a service such as docker or httpd (apache) it needs actually be started otherwise you will get that error. You can also see the status's of other services by doing service service_name statusbut again, that's how it is for my centos 7.

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  • 2021-01-31 08:05

    Try installing apparmor

    sudo apt install apparmor

    There are other things to look for in this answer too.

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  • 2021-01-31 08:10

    Ran into the same problem after following the steps at docker service was running and I had also added the user to docker group. docker commands were not working without sudo.

    What solved it for me was restarting the PC. Note- Before PC restart, I had also tried stopping and starting the docker daemon. I'm on Ubuntu 12.04.

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  • 2021-01-31 08:11

    I solved it by running that command in sudo mode, e.g. "sudo docker images"

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  • 2021-01-31 08:12

    I had this same problem when I tried to follow along some online resource; I was able to resolve this by running docker as the super user, try adding sudo before your docker commands:

    sudo docker ps -a

    sudo docker run hello-world

    Hope it helps.

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  • 2021-01-31 08:13

    You can check if it has started by running the command ps -ef. You can also grep it to docker if you want to reduce the number of results(using | grep docker). If its of not running, execute

    sudo service docker start

    OR if it still doesn't work then

    You can refer this link

    docker docs

    You can run docker run -d or docker run -d & so that you can use the same terminal or even close it if. It will set the value to true, so your container will run in "detached" mode, in the background.

    You can also auto start it when your OS starts using update-rc.d servicename defaults or you can also refer to the links below, where you have to give docker as service name and your defaults.

    Some more links to refer - auto start, upstart

    These are different ways of doing it.

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