I\'d like to know if exists some function to automatically format a number by it\'s decimal, so if I have:
Actually I think the cleanest way I can think of to do this for someone that just did a search looking for this sort of thing is to do this:
( number_format ($sql_result["col_number"], 2) * 100 ) / 100;
If you are targeting US currency I like to use this method:
function moneyform($number, $symbol = true) {
return str_replace(".00", "", money_format(($symbol? '%.2n' : "%!n"), $number));
moneyform(2500.99, false);
Since I could not find a flexible solution I wrote a simple function to get the best result:
function getValueFormattedWithMinimalDecimals($value, $max_decimals = 2, $dec_point = ',', $thousands_sep = '') {
$bestNumberOfDecimals = -1;
$decimal = 0;
while ($decimal <= $max_decimals) {
$bestNumberOfDecimals = $decimal;
$valueDecimals = number_format($value, $decimal);
if (floatval($value) == $valueDecimals) {
if($bestNumberOfDecimals > 0 && number_format($value, $bestNumberOfDecimals) == number_format($value, 0)) {
$bestNumberOfDecimals = 0;
return number_format($value, $bestNumberOfDecimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep);
What about
number_format($value,2) - 0;
I've been accused of doing something like this:
floatval($foo) == intval($foo) ? number_format($foo) : number_format($foo,2);
Mine since most quantity or pieces do not require decimal, this function will only show decimal when needed.
str_replace(".00", "", number_format($this->pieces, 2));