I have a complete, deployed, Express-based project, with many console.log() and console.error() statements throughout. The project runs using forever, directing the st
If you wish, you may create a custom logger for your application by extending the Node's build in "Console" class. Kindly refer to the following implementation
"use strict";
const moment = require('moment');
const util = require('util');
const Console = require('console').Console;
class Logger extends Console {
constructor(stdout, stderr, ...otherArgs) {
super(stdout, stderr, ...otherArgs);
log(...args) {
super.log(moment().format('D MMM HH:mm:ss'), '-', util.format(...args));
error(...args) {
super.error(moment().format('D MMM HH:mm:ss'), '-', util.format(...args));
module.exports = (function() {
return new Logger(process.stdout, process.stderr);
After that, you may use it in your code as :
const logger = require('./logger');
logger.log('hello world', 123456);
logger.error('some error occurred', err);
Use event listener like this,
process.on('error', function() {
console.log('Error Occurred.');
var d = Date(Date.now()).toString();
console.log.call(console, d); // Wed Aug 07 2019 23:40:07 GMT+0100 (GMT+01:00)
happy coding :)
If you want a solution without another external dependency but you want to keep the full functionalities of console.log (multiple parameters, variable insertion) you can use the following code:
var log = console.log;
console.log = function () {
var first_parameter = arguments[0];
var other_parameters = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
function formatConsoleDate (date) {
var hour = date.getHours();
var minutes = date.getMinutes();
var seconds = date.getSeconds();
var milliseconds = date.getMilliseconds();
return '[' +
((hour < 10) ? '0' + hour: hour) +
':' +
((minutes < 10) ? '0' + minutes: minutes) +
':' +
((seconds < 10) ? '0' + seconds: seconds) +
'.' +
('00' + milliseconds).slice(-3) +
'] ';
log.apply(console, [formatConsoleDate(new Date()) + first_parameter].concat(other_parameters));
You can modify the formatConsoleDate function to format the date how you want.
This code needs to be written only once on top of your main JavaScript file.
console.log("he%s", "y")
will print something like this:
[12:22:55.053] hey
This isn't a direct answer, but have you looked into winston.js? It has a ton more logging options including logging to a json file or database. These always have timestamps by default. Just a thought.
Create a file with the following:
var log = console.log;
console.log = function(){
log.apply(console, [Date.now()].concat(arguments));
Require it in your app before you log anything. Do the same for console.error
if needed.
Note that this solution will destroy variable insertion (console.log("he%s", "y") // "hey"
) if you're using that. If you need that, just log the timestamp first:
log.call(console, Date.now());
log.apply(console, arguments);
You could also use the log-timestamp package. It's quite straightforward, and customizable as well.