I want to create a queue where clients can put in requests, then server worker threads can pull them out as they have resources available.
I\'m exploring how I could do
This question is pretty old but in case someone makes it here anyway...
Since mid 2015 Firebase offers something called the Firebase Queue, a fault-tolerant multi-worker job pipeline built on Firebase.
Q: Is this a good design that will integrate well into the upcoming security plans?
A: Your design suggestion fits perfectly with Firebase Queue.
Q: How do I get all the servers to listen to the queue, but only one to pick up each request?
A: Well, that is pretty much what Firebase Queue does for you!
Wow, great question. This is a usage pattern that we've discussed internally so we'd love to hear about your experience implementing it (support@firebase.com). Here are some thoughts on your questions:
If your primary goal is actually authentication, just wait for our security features. :-) In particular, we're intending to have the ability to do auth backed by your own backend server, backed by a firebase user store, or backed by 3rd-party providers (Facebook, twitter, etc.).
Load-balanced Work Queue
Regardless of auth, there's still an interesting use case for using Firebase as the backbone for some sort of workload balancing system like you describe. For that, there are a couple approaches you could take:
Personally, I'd lean toward option #2 if you want optimal performance. But #1 might be easier for prototyping and be fine at least initially.
In general, your design is definitely on the right track. If you experiment with implementation and run into problems or have suggestions for our API, let us know (support@firebase.com :-)!