I am currently trying to configure the Virtual Host (Subdomain) of my Apache HTTP Server so it can be accessed with another computer on my LAN. The current setup of Apache with
Using a SSH + Putty tunnel, and thus having a on my server, I managed to access my subdomains by doing the following on my server side:
# nano /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost sub1.domain.com sub2.domain.com sub3.domain.com sub4.domain.com
I did not change the host file of the remote computer, and it works like a charm
Unless I'm missing something, you'll need to either set up DNS entries, or add entries to the /etc/hosts file of each computer accessing the server.
is an entry that exists in everyone's /etc/hosts file by default, always pointing to Without adding a /etc/hosts entry, developer.localhost
doesn't exist, and prefixing an ip address with a subdomain won't work at all.
I suggest making the following change (add the ServerAlias lines):
NameVirtualHost *:50080
<VirtualHost *:50080>
DocumentRoot "C:/www/HTTP"
ServerName localhost
ServerAlias cms.myserver.com
<VirtualHost *:50080>
ServerAdmin administrator@development.localhost
DocumentRoot "C:/www/HTTP/development"
ServerName development.localhost
ServerAlias development.myserver.com
ErrorLog "logs/development.localhost-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/development.localhost-access.log" common
Restart Apache to ensure the changes take effect.
Then on your second computer you need to add a custom dns entry for these new domain names. If it is Windows, edit the file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
. If it is Linux, edit /etc/hosts. Either way add: development.myserver.com cms.myserver.com
Now on your second computer you should be able to access the following URLs:
For Named Virtual Hosts
you need to use a hostname or domainname to connect to you apache server. It does not work with ips.
You could insert an entry in your /etc/hosts
on your second system.
Ok, I figured it out, here are the configuration if anyone else is looking for this:
Machine A (Apache HTTP Server): httpd-vhost:
NameVirtualHost *:50080
<VirtualHost *:50080>
DocumentRoot "C:/www/HTTP"
ServerName localhost
ServerAlias alias <!-- Added -->
<VirtualHost *:50080>
ServerAdmin administrator@development.localhost
DocumentRoot "C:/www/HTTP/development"
ServerName development.localhost
ServerAlias development.phoenix <!-- Added -->
ErrorLog "logs/development.localhost-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/development.localhost-access.log" common
hosts: development.localhost alias development.alias
Machine B (Guest Machine): hosts: alias development.alias
From the second machine, you should be able to access with "alias" and "development.alias"