Finding an interesting frame in a video

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囚心锁ツ 2021-01-31 05:10

Does anyone know of an algorithm that I could use to find an \"interesting\" representative thumbnail for a video?

I have say 30 bitmaps and I would like to choose the

  • 2021-01-31 05:15

    I think you should only look at key frames.

    If the video is not encoded using a compression which is based on key frames, you create an algorithm based on the following article: Key frame selection by motion analysis.

    Depending on the compression of the video you can have key frames every 2 seconds or 30 seconds. Than I think you should use the algorithm in the article to find the "most" keyframe out of all the key frames.

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  • 2021-01-31 05:17

    I worked on a project recently where we did some video processing, and we used OpenCV to do the heavy lifting as far as video processing was concerned. We had to extract frames, calculate differences, extract faces, etc. OpenCV has some built-in algorithms that will calculate differences between frames. It works with a variety of video and image formats.

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  • 2021-01-31 05:21

    You asked for papers so I found a few. If you are not on campus or on VPN connection to campus these papers might be hard to reach.

    PanoramaExcerpts: extracting and packing panoramas for video browsing

    This one explains a method for generating a comicbook style keyframe representation.


    This paper presents methods for automatically creating pictorial video summaries that resem- ble comic books. The relative importance of video segments is computed from their length and novelty. Image and audio analysis is used to automatically detect and emphasize mean- ingful events. Based on this importance mea- sure, we choose relevant keyframes. Selected keyframes are sized by importance, and then efficiently packed into a pictorial summary. We present a quantitative measure of how well a summary captures the salient events in a video, and show how it can be used to improve our summaries. The result is a compact and visually pleasing summary that captures semantically important events, and is suitable for printing or Web access. Such a summary can be further enhanced by including text cap- tions derived from OCR or other methods. We describe how the automatically generated sum- maries are used to simplify access to a large collection of videos.

    Automatic extraction of representative keyframes based on scenecontent


    Generating indices for movies is a tedious and expensive process which we seek to automate. While algorithms for finding scene boundaries are readily available, there has been little work performed on selecting individual frames to concisely represent the scene. In this paper we present novel algorithms for automated selection of representative keyframes, based on scene content. Detailed description of several algorithms is followed by an analysis of how well humans feel the selected frames represent the scene. Finally we address how these algorithms can be integrated with existing algorithms for finding scene boundaries.

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  • 2021-01-31 05:23

    It may also be beneficial to favor frames that are aesthetically pleasing. That is, look for common attributes of photography-- aspect ratio, contrast, balance, etc.

    It would be hard to find a representative shot if you don't know what you're looking for. But with some heuristics and my suggestion, at least you could come up with something good looking.

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  • 2021-01-31 05:30

    Directors will sometimes linger on a particularly 'insteresting' or beautiful shot so how about finding a 5 second section that doesn't change and then eliminating those sections that are almost black?

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  • 2021-01-31 05:36

    Wow, what a great question - I guess a second step would be to iteratively remove frames where there's little or no change between it and it's successors. But all you're really doing there is reducing the set of potentially interesting frames. How exactly you determine "interestingness" is the special sauce I suppose as you don't have the user interaction statistics to rely on like Flickr does.

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