I love Ruby blocks! The idea behind them is just very very neat and convenient.
I have just looked back over my code from the past week or so, which is
The whole thing would be more readable as:
if something.do_stuff
#successful code
#unsuccessful code
or to use a common rails idiom:
if @user.save
render :action=>:show
@user.errors.each{|attr,msg| logger.info "#{attr} - #{msg}" }
render :action=>:edit
IMHO, avoiding the return of a boolean value is overuse of code blocks.
A block makes sense if . . .
open("fname") do |f|
# do stuff with the file
end #don't have to worry about closing the file
In this case, you avoid adding the return value to calling scope. This also often makes sense with multiple return values.
something.do_stuff do |res1, res2|
if res1.foo? and res2.bar?
elsif res2.bar?
end #didn't add res1/res2 to the calling scope
You see this in some of the rails helpers:
<% content_tag :div do %>
<%= content_tag :span "span content" %>
<% end -%>
And of course iterators are a great use case, as they're (considered by ruby-ists to be) prettier than for
loops or list comprehensions.
Certainly not an exhaustive list, but I recommend that you don't just use blocks because you can.
I like this style. It's actually very Ruby-like, and often you'll see projects restructure their code to use this format instead of something less readable.
Returning values makes sense where returning values makes sense. If you have an Article
object, you want article.title
to return the title. But for this particular example of callbacks, it's stellar style, and it's good that you know how to use them. I suspect that many new to Ruby will never figure out how to do it well.
This is what functional programming people call "continuation-passing style". It's a valid technique, though there are cases where it will tend to complicate things more than it's worth. It might be worth to relook some of the places where you're using it and see if that's the case in your code. But there's nothing inherently wrong with it.