There is a question on how to start, Teamviewer from commandline, to make outward connections, however I want to start the Teamviewer from commandline (So it can accept incoming
Command line support for linux is added to teamviewer in version 11. In headless systems, you can setup teamviewer and control them.
Try directly typing in: /Applications/TeamViewer\ 8/, of course you need to adjust whatever suitable on your Mac, just to specify the location of TeamViewer.
As said on
This can be done with OSX, but there seems to be a bug that requires a particular work-around that I was lucky to notice. TeamViewer will need to be run twice -- once as sudo, and another as the user:
SSH into the OSX machine and run TeamViewer like so:
sudo /Applications/
It should fail and report: com.teamviewer.desktop: Invalid argument com.teamviewer.teamviewer: Invalid argument
Now run it again without sudo:
This should launch TeamViewer and make it ready for a client connection.
If for some reason it fails to launch, try setting the display first with:
export DISPLAY=:0
Then, to get your TeamViewer ID do:
defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.teamviewer.teamviewer9 ClientID
Just tested this on OS X Lion.
I have sometimes to reset freezed TV on OSx, and find that on recents setups I find a folder Applications/ (only as root otherwise it is hidden)
I am following up with @Queenvictoria's comment on @Aldekein's answer.
As mentioned, you can use take a screenshot of TeamViewer with:
osascript -e 'tell application "TeamViewer" to activate' && screencapture ~/Desktop/teamviewer.jpg
However, email servers usually don't trust email coming from non-commercial sources. So my solution to receiving the screenshot to use SCP.
scp [user]@host:/Users/[user]/Desktop/teamviewer.jpg ~/Desktop/
Some procceses are not correctly restarted after restart the daemon, in ubuntu 14.04 I kill the proccesses before restarting teamviewer:
Try something like:
sudo ps -afuwwwwwwx | grep -i "teamviewer" | sed -r "s/^([^\ ]+[\ ]+([0-9]+).+)$/\2/g" | xargs -i sudo kill {}
sudo teamviewer --daemon restart