I am using python to create a gaussian filter of size 5x5. I saw this post here where they talk about a similar thing but I didn\'t find the exact way to get equivalent python c
You could try this too (as product of 2 independent 1D Gaussian random variables) to obtain a 2D Gaussian Kernel:
from numpy import pi, exp, sqrt
s, k = 1, 2 # generate a (2k+1)x(2k+1) gaussian kernel with mean=0 and sigma = s
probs = [exp(-z*z/(2*s*s))/sqrt(2*pi*s*s) for z in range(-k,k+1)]
kernel = np.outer(probs, probs)
print kernel
#[[ 0.00291502 0.00792386 0.02153928 0.00792386 0.00291502]
#[ 0.00792386 0.02153928 0.05854983 0.02153928 0.00792386]
#[ 0.02153928 0.05854983 0.15915494 0.05854983 0.02153928]
#[ 0.00792386 0.02153928 0.05854983 0.02153928 0.00792386]
#[ 0.00291502 0.00792386 0.02153928 0.00792386 0.00291502]]
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
here is to provide an nd-gaussian window generator:
def gen_gaussian_kernel(shape, mean, var):
coors = [range(shape[d]) for d in range(len(shape))]
k = np.zeros(shape=shape)
cartesian_product = [[]]
for coor in coors:
cartesian_product = [x + [y] for x in cartesian_product for y in coor]
for c in cartesian_product:
s = 0
for cc, m in zip(c,mean):
s += (cc - m)**2
k[tuple(c)] = np.exp(-s/(2*var))
return k
this function will give you an unnormalized gaussian windows with given shape, center, and variance. for instance: gen_gaussian_kernel(shape=(3,3,3),mean=(1,1,1),var=1.0) output->
[[[ 0.22313016 0.36787944 0.22313016]
[ 0.36787944 0.60653066 0.36787944]
[ 0.22313016 0.36787944 0.22313016]]
[[ 0.36787944 0.60653066 0.36787944]
[ 0.60653066 1. 0.60653066]
[ 0.36787944 0.60653066 0.36787944]]
[[ 0.22313016 0.36787944 0.22313016]
[ 0.36787944 0.60653066 0.36787944]
[ 0.22313016 0.36787944 0.22313016]]]
Using Gaussian PDF and assuming space invariant blur
def gaussian_kernel(sigma, size):
mu = np.floor([size / 2, size / 2])
size = int(size)
kernel = np.zeros((size, size))
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size):
kernel[i, j] = np.exp(-(0.5/(sigma*sigma)) * (np.square(i-mu[0]) +
np.square(j-mu[0]))) / np.sqrt(2*math.pi*sigma*sigma)```
kernel = kernel/np.sum(kernel)
return kernel
Hey, I think this might help you
import numpy as np
import cv2
def gaussian_kernel(dimension_x, dimension_y, sigma_x, sigma_y):
x = cv2.getGaussianKernel(dimension_x, sigma_x)
y = cv2.getGaussianKernel(dimension_y, sigma_y)
kernel = x.dot(y.T)
return kernel
g_kernel = gaussian_kernel(5, 5, 1, 1)
[[0.00296902 0.01330621 0.02193823 0.01330621 0.00296902]
[0.01330621 0.0596343 0.09832033 0.0596343 0.01330621]
[0.02193823 0.09832033 0.16210282 0.09832033 0.02193823]
[0.01330621 0.0596343 0.09832033 0.0596343 0.01330621]
[0.00296902 0.01330621 0.02193823 0.01330621 0.00296902]]
I found similar solution for this problem:
def fspecial_gauss(size, sigma):
"""Function to mimic the 'fspecial' gaussian MATLAB function
x, y = numpy.mgrid[-size//2 + 1:size//2 + 1, -size//2 + 1:size//2 + 1]
g = numpy.exp(-((x**2 + y**2)/(2.0*sigma**2)))
return g/g.sum()
Hi I think the problem is that for a gaussian filter the normalization factor depends on how many dimensions you used.
So the filter looks like this
What you miss is the square of the normalization factor! And need to renormalize the whole matrix because of computing accuracy!
The code is attached here:
def gaussian_filter(shape =(5,5), sigma=1):
x, y = [edge /2 for edge in shape]
grid = np.array([[((i**2+j**2)/(2.0*sigma**2)) for i in xrange(-x, x+1)] for j in xrange(-y, y+1)])
g_filter = np.exp(-grid)/(2*np.pi*sigma**2)
g_filter /= np.sum(g_filter)
return g_filter
print gaussian_filter()
The output without normalized to sum of 1:
[[ 0.00291502 0.01306423 0.02153928 0.01306423 0.00291502]
[ 0.01306423 0.05854983 0.09653235 0.05854983 0.01306423]
[ 0.02153928 0.09653235 0.15915494 0.09653235 0.02153928]
[ 0.01306423 0.05854983 0.09653235 0.05854983 0.01306423]
[ 0.00291502 0.01306423 0.02153928 0.01306423 0.00291502]]
The output divided by np.sum(g_filter):
[[ 0.00296902 0.01330621 0.02193823 0.01330621 0.00296902]
[ 0.01330621 0.0596343 0.09832033 0.0596343 0.01330621]
[ 0.02193823 0.09832033 0.16210282 0.09832033 0.02193823]
[ 0.01330621 0.0596343 0.09832033 0.0596343 0.01330621]
[ 0.00296902 0.01330621 0.02193823 0.01330621 0.00296902]]