Unable to copy file reference.dll to bin/reference.dll. The process cannot access the file reference.dll because it is being used by another process

后端 未结 30 1934
深忆病人 2021-01-31 03:34

For one of my ASP.NET 3.5 applications, every single time I try to build the web app, it throws the following build errors in Visual Studio 2008:

Error 16

  • 2021-01-31 03:54

    you can also delete bin and obj folders in all projects in solution then rebuild solution.

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  • 2021-01-31 03:56

    File locks are just part of working with Visual Studio. There aren't any great ways to get around this problem.

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  • 2021-01-31 03:56

    I was using Visual Studio 2012 when this started happening on a 7 year old solution (for the second or third time: I've been to this question before).

    I tried the various voodoo. I cleaned the solution. Didn't work. I restarted Visual Studio. Didn't work. I was confident that last one would work, because that is the voodoo that worked last time.

    Ultimately, I remembered a security update had installed last night and was configured when I started my machine this morning - (Connected or not? No Idea) - So, I restarted Windows, and voila, it all worked like magic again.

    Thanks MS for more mind mincing.

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  • 2021-01-31 03:56

    Similar to Benoit's answer but doesn't require any tool installation, you can use tasklist (task manager) command at the command line with the '/m' switch to get a list of processes using the dll:

    tasklist /m mylocked.dll

    I saw some posts indicating you have to do it from the directory of the offending dll, but I haven't found that to be the case.

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  • 2021-01-31 03:57

    This happens to me sometimes when using Visual Nunit for unit tests.

    It seems the process 'VisualNunitRunner.exe' locks the .dll files in the destination directory.

    I used Unlocker to find the process, kill it or unlock the files.

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  • 2021-01-31 03:59

    If you have Visual Nunit, it must be locking dll file.

    1. Close VS
    2. Go to taks manager , kill the Visual Nunit process
    3. Now open VS and build the project
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