OpenSSL Certificate (Version 3) with Subject Alternative Name

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I\'m using the OpenSSL command line tool to generate a self signed certificate. It seems to be working correctly except for two issues. I can\'t get it to create a .cer with a S

  • 2021-01-31 04:07
    #! /bin/dash
    #  Steps 1-3 show how to use openssl to create a certificate request
    #  that includes Subject Alternative Names.
    #  In the uncommon case where you are creating your own CA, steps 4-6
    #  show how to use openssl to create a CA and then use that CA to
    #  create a certificate from the request.
    #  Step 1:  Create an OpenSSL configuration file
    #    to specify the Subject Alternative Names
    echo  ;  echo  'step  1'
    cat  >  foo.cnf  <<EOF
    [ req ]
    distinguished_name      =  arbitrary_name_1
    req_extensions          =  arbitrary_name_2
    [ arbitrary_name_1 ]
    [ arbitrary_name_2 ]
    subjectAltName          =  @arbitrary_name_3
    [ arbitrary_name_3 ]
    DNS.1                   =
    DNS.2                   =
    DNS.3                   =
    #  Step 2:  Create a certificate request for
    #  openssl
    #    req
    #      -config      read openssl configuration from this file
    #      -subj        set the commonName of the certificate
    #      -newkey      generate a new key (and, by implication, a new request!)
    #        -nodes       do not encrypt the new private key ("no DES")
    #        -keyout      write the new private key to this file
    #      -out         write the request to this file
    echo  ;  echo  'step  2'
    openssl                         \
      req                           \
        -config    foo.cnf          \
        -subj      '/'    \
        -newkey    rsa:2048         \
          -nodes                    \
          -keyout  foo.key          \
        -out       foo.req
    #  Step 3:  Display the requested extensions.
    echo  ;  echo  'step  3'
    openssl  req  -in foo.req  -noout  -text  |  \
      grep  -A 2  'Requested Extensions:'
    #  Step 4:  Create a certificate authority by creating
    #    a private key and self-signed certificate.
    #  openssl
    #    req            generate a certificate request, but don't because ...
    #      -x509        generate a self-signed certificate instead
    #      -subj        set the commonName of the certificate
    #      -days        certificate is valid for N days, starting now
    #      -newkey      generate a new private key
    #        -nodes       do not encrypt the new private key ("no DES")
    #        -keyout      write the new private key to this file
    #      -out         write the self-signed certificate to this file
    echo  ;  echo  'step  4'
    openssl                         \
      req                           \
        -x509                       \
        -subj      "/CN=Custom CA"  \
        -days      4000             \
        -newkey    rsa:2048         \
          -nodes                    \
          -keyout  ca.key           \
        -out       ca.cert
    #  Step 5:  Use the certificate authority
    #    to create a certificate for
    #  openssl
    #    x509             operate on an x509 certificate
    #      -req           create an x509 certificate from a request
    #      -in            read the request from this file
    #      -CA            read the CA certificate from this file
    #      -CAkey         read the CA key form this file
    #      -extfile       read openssl's configuration from this file
    #      -extensions    read extensions from this section of the configuration
    #      -days          certificate is valid for N days, starting now
    #      -set_serial    set the new certificate's serial number
    #      -out           write the new certificate to this file
    echo  ;  echo  'step  5'
    openssl                                 \
      x509                                  \
        -req                                \
        -in          foo.req                \
        -CA          ca.cert                \
        -CAkey       ca.key                 \
        -extfile     foo.cnf                \
        -extensions  arbitrary_name_2       \
        -days        30                     \
        -set_serial  1001                   \
        -out         foo.cert
    #  Step 6:  Display the X509v3 extensions:
    echo  ;  echo  'step  6'
    openssl  x509  -in foo.cert  -noout  -text  |  \
      grep  -A 2  'X509v3 extensions:'
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  • 2021-01-31 04:08

    Here is the simple steps for you

    While generating the CSR you should use -config and -extensions and while generating certificate you should use -extfile and -extensions

    Here is the example

    openssl req -new -nodes -keyout test.key  -out test.csr -days 3650 -subj "/C=US/ST=SCA/L=SCA/O=Oracle/OU=Java/CN=test cert" -config /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf -extensions v3_req
    openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in test.csr -CA cacert.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out test.pem -extfile /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf  -extensions v3_req

    hope this helps

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  • 2021-01-31 04:09

    The v3_req is required with the entry subjectAltName in the config file. The command

    openssl x509 ... -extfile openssl.cnf -extensions v3_req

    will insert the SAN into the certificate.

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