I\'m trying to use Jenkins file for all our builds in Jenkins, and I have following problem. We basically have 3 kind of builds:
You can add If statement for multiple stages if you want to skip multiple stages according to the branch as in:
if(env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master'){
// Artifact repository upload steps here
// Deploy steps here
or, you can add it to individual stage as in:
if(env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master'){
// Deploy steps here
We followed the model used by fabric8 for builds, tweaking it as we needed, where the Jenkinsfile
is used to define the branch and deployment handling logic, and a release.groovy
file for build logic.
Here's what our Jenkinsfile
looks like for a pipeline that continuously deploys into DEV from master branch:
import com.terradatum.jenkins.workflow.*
node {
wrap([$class: 'TimestamperBuildWrapper']) {
checkout scm
echo "branch: ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
def pipeline = load "${pwd()}/release.groovy"
if (env.DEPLOY_ENV != null) {
if (env.DEPLOY_ENV.trim() == 'STAGE') {
setDisplayName(pipeline.staging() as Version)
} else if (env.DEPLOY_ENV.trim() == 'PROD') {
setDisplayName(pipeline.production() as Version)
} else if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
try {
setDisplayName(pipeline.development() as Version)
} catch (Exception e) {
hipchatSend color: 'RED', failOnError: true, message: "<p>BUILD FAILED: </p><p>Check console output at <a href='${env.BUILD_URL}'>${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]</a></p><p><pre>${e.message}</pre></p>", notify: true, room: 'Aergo', v2enabled: false
throw e; // rethrow so the build is considered failed
} else {
setDisplayName(pipeline.other() as Version)
def setDisplayName(Version version) {
if (version) {
currentBuild.displayName = version.toString()
Note: you can find the code for our global pipeline library here.
for questions 2 you may be able to do
sh 'git branch > GIT_BRANCH' def gitBranch = readFile 'GIT_BRANCH'
since you're checking out from git
1) I don't know if it is appropriate, but if it resolves your problem, I think is appropriate enough.
2) In order to know the name of the branch you can use BRANCH_NAME variable, its name is taken from the branch name.
Here is the answer: Jenkins Multibranch pipeline: What is the branch name variable?
Using this post, this worked for me:
stage('...') {
when {
expression { env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' }
steps {
Don't know if this what you want.. I prefer because it's look more structured.
node {
def rootDir = pwd()
def branchName = ${env.BRANCH_NAME}
// Workaround for pipeline (not multibranches pipeline)
def branchName = getCurrentBranch()
echo 'BRANCH.. ' + branchName
load "${rootDir}@script/Jenkinsfile.${branchName}.Groovy"
def getCurrentBranch () {
return sh (
script: 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD',
returnStdout: true
echo 'mybranch'
// Pipeline code here