Is it possible to check into a blade view if @yield have content or not?
I am trying to assign the page titles in the views:
@section(\"title\", \"hi wor
New in Laravel 7.x -- sectionMissing()
Check if section is missing:
Sometimes you have an enclosing code, which you only want to have included in that section is not empty. For this problem I just found this solution:
@if (filled(View::yieldContent('sub-title')))
The title H2 gets only displayed it the section really contains any value. Otherwise it won't be printed...
I have a similar problem with the solution:
@section('bar', '')
The result will be the empty <div></div>
Now, my suggestion, to fix this, is
@if (View::hasSection('bar') && !empty(View::yieldContent('bar')))
Can you not do:
<title> @section("title") Default @show </title>
And in subtemplate.blade.php:
@section("title") My new title @stop
I don't think you can, but you have options, like using a view composer to always provide a $title to your views:
View::composer('*', function($view)
$title = Config::get('app.title');
$view->with('title', $title ? " - $title" : '');