I just discovered the NSRect helper functions in NSGeometry.h (i.e. NSMidX, NSMaxX, etc...)
These would have made some repetitive coding much easier. I knew about NSMak
One I remember
+ (NSBezierPath *)bezierPathWithRoundedRect:(NSRect)rect xRadius:(CGFloat)xRadius yRadius:(CGFloat)yRadius
Granted figuring out how to draw a rounded rectangle manually is a pretty good exercise. There are others that I am just so used to now.
This is one that I wish I had known about 6 months ago. I was creating our first iPhone application and I wanted to create a simple help file that was based on HTML using the UIWebView Controller.
However I could not figure out how to embed local images that I had stored in the Bundle and I did not want the user to have to have internet access to fetch the images from a server.
Little did I know I could do the following to get images from the Main Bundle
NSString *bundlePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
NSURL *bundleBaseURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: bundlePath];
[webView loadHTMLString:htmlContent baseURL: bundleBaseURL];
The Image in your HTML can then call local images directly.
<img src="yourImageFromTheMainBundle.jpg" />
I had no idea I could set the baseURL with the location of the Bundle.
Much of the stuff in NSPathUtilities.h. I did know about it two years ago, but when I first found it I wished I’d seen it two years earlier. :-)
At some point I wasted quite a bit of time because I didn’t know about NSCountedSet, and made a mess of my dictionary-based replacement. I know of several cases where people have done the same sort of thing because they didn’t know about NSSet at all. Another good “hidden” collection is CFBinaryHeap, which implements a priority queue, but doesn’t have an NS equivalent.
Creating a colour from a pattern image with
[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"mypattern.png"]];
This is a shortcut instead of a library call that I missed, but it is in the spirit of the thread.
One shortcut that I use alot is using an inline format statement in NSLog calls.
NSLog(@"x=%@", [someobject className]);
instead of the more verbose
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"x=%@", [someobject classname]]);
Helper function to draw three part images with left cap, fill and right cap. Ideal for custom buttons
void NSDrawThreePartImage(NSRect frame,
NSImage *startCap,
NSImage *centerFill,
NSImage *endCap,
BOOL vertical,
NSCompositingOperation op,
CGFloat alphaFraction,
BOOL flipped
Also look for NSDrawNinePartImage