When should a C function return newly allocated memory?

前端 未结 11 2023
陌清茗 2021-01-31 00:11

In a response elsewhere, I found the following snippet:

In general it is nicer in C to have the caller allocate memory, not the callee - hence why str

  • 2021-01-31 00:42

    It all comes down to establishing ownership of the memory.

    When projects get very large, it can become difficult to figure out where all the memory is going.

    In C++, we often get around this by using a factory such as the foo_create() example. That factory knows how to setup foo objects, and can easily track how much memory it is allocating and how much it is freeing.

    While something similar can be done in C, often we simply make sure that each layer of your program cleans up the memory it uses. Thus, a reviewer can glance at the code to make sure that each malloc has a matching free. When allocations are too deeply nested, it can quickly become unclear where a memory leak occurs.

    By the way, I tend to lean toward having an initializer that is separate from allocation for the sake of returning an error value from the initializer. If you simply call foo_create(), and get a null pointer back, it is not clear if the creation failed due to lack of memory, or due to some other reason. Getting into the habit of having return values on init functions can save you a lot of debugging time.

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  • 2021-01-31 00:42

    If you allocate your memory yourself, you have control over how you do that. Either in stack, standard malloc or one of the sixteen memory managers you use in your application.

    If memory is allocated for you not only you have no control over how it's done, but you should be aware of how to free the memory. Well, most of the libraries would provide you a "free" function for free.

    Having said that I still don't think there's one "nicer" approach. What suits your use better.

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  • 2021-01-31 00:43

    Whenever you want an opaque structure and don't want to expose its internals in the header file. Your foo_create() example illustrates this.

    Another example is the Windows API. E.g. CreateWindow gives you a HWND. You have no idea what the actual WND structure looks like and can't touch its fields.

    Same with kernel object handles. E.g. CreateEvent gives a HANDLE. You can only manipulate it with the well-defined API, and close it with CloseHandle().


    struct foo *a = malloc(sizeof(foo));

    This requires you to define struct foo in a header, and hence expose its internals. If you want to change it down the track, you risk breaking existing code that (incorrectly) relied on its members directly.

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  • 2021-01-31 00:46

    I prefer the GLib style (the 1st you mentioned). For me choosing this style makes it more object oriented like. Your methods take care of creating and destroying the struct, so you don't have to fight with the internals of a structure. This aproach leads your code to have less errors as well.

    A GString example:

    GString *s;
    s = g_string_new();
    // Not in this case, but sometimes you can
    // find this:
    if (s == NULL)
        printf("Error creating the object!");
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  • 2021-01-31 00:47

    My opinion on it is this - there are two ways to deal with this:

    If you write a function that allocates memory, write a comment above the function to indicate that the responsibility of memory management lies with the programmer i.e. explicitly free the memory, hence passing the burden of memory management to the programmer who will be responsible.

    Alternatively, write a wrapper function something like this, ending in _alloc and a corresponding wrapper function ending in _free, in that way, you are defining a well-documented set of routines which makes it easier for the programmer to read.

    The simple advantage is this: if the programmer un-intentionally introduced a memory leak, the warning is there as the adage in C is this 'For every malloc, there should be a corresponding free, if you do not have it, then you have a leak'. The programmer in turn can clue in and say "Aha..I called this wrapper function something_alloc but did not call something_free". You get the gist? And anyway, the programmer will thank you for it!

    Really, it is down to how well the code API is defined. If you want to write code to manage memory and hence free up the programmer from having the responsibility in managing memory, best to wrap it and give it a special meaning, as I have suggested like using an underscore followed by 'alloc' and 'free'.

    This will earn you kudos and respect as the programmer who will be reading and using your code will say - 'Thanks bud' and end result is everyone will be happy.

    Hope this helps, Best regards, Tom.

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  • 2021-01-31 00:47

    Both approaches are perfectly fine. Consider all the FILE* manipulation functions, they're not allowing you to allocate a FILE yourself.

    If you're programming in C, you'd often want full control of everything. That means giving the caller the control over where and how to allocate the structure is a good thing. Personally I usually create 2 functions for initalization if I'm not needing an opaque struct

    int foo_init(struct foo *f); // allows the caller to allocate 'f' 
                                 //however is suitable
    struct foo * new_foo(void);  // mallocs and calls foo_init, for convenience.

    And if needed, corresponding

     void foo_free(struct foo *f );   //frees and destroys 'f'
     void foo_destroy(struct foo *f); //cleans up whatever internal stuff 'f' has,
                                      // but does not free 'f' itself

    In cases where you want the caller to treat the structure as opaque, you'll only provide a struct foo* new_foo(void); Not exposing the struct foo implementation has some benefits:

    • Caller arn't allowed to poke around or perform potential dangerous shortcuts by accessing the members directly.
    • You can change struct foo without breaking existing binaries (you're not breaking the ABI), can be a big deal if you're implementing a library.
    • Your public header file don't need to expose the implementation and other required headers for struct foo

    The drawbacks

    • The caller has no control over the allocation of a struct foo
    • You'll have the overhead of always having to manipulate a struct foo through function calls
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