Every order in my online store has a user-facing order number. I\'m wondering the best way to generate them. Criteria include:
Here is an implementation for a system I proposed in an earlier question:
MAGIC = [];
29.downto(0) {|i| MAGIC << 839712541[i]}
def convert(num)
order = 0
0.upto(MAGIC.length - 1) {|i| order = order << 1 | (num[i] ^ MAGIC[i]) }
It's just a cheap hash function, but it makes it difficult for an average user to determine how many orders have been processed, or a number for another order. It won't run out of space until you've done 230 orders, which you won't hit any time soon.
Here are the results of convert(x)
for 1 through 10:
1: 302841629
2: 571277085
3: 34406173
4: 973930269
5: 437059357
6: 705494813
7: 168623901
8: 906821405
9: 369950493
10: 638385949