I am looking for a command line parser for Qt4.
I did a small google search, and found this: http://www.froglogic.com/pg?id=PublicationsFreeware&category=getopt how
Another option I ran across while looking to do this, too:
I haven't used it though.
Does it have to be Qt4 specific? If not, GNU Getopt is really nice, although licensing may be a problem if you are not doing open source software.
That package does support --disable-foo and --enable-foo via opts.addSwitch("disable-foo", &foo_disabled); and opts.addSwitch("enable-foo", &foo_enabled);. You need handle checking both, and dealing with someone specifying both (oops).
What I don't understand is how this has anything to do with QT4...
It's 2013 and still no "1st party" arg parser. Anyways..if anyone finds themselves facing the same problem and would like to avoid the learning curves that come with cmd parser libs, here is a "quick & dirty" fix for you:-
QString QArgByKey(QString key, QChar sep = QChar('\0') ) //prototype usually in separate header
QString QArgByKey(QString key, QChar sep )
bool sepd=sep!=QChar('\0');
int pos=sepd?qApp->arguments().indexOf(QRegExp('^'+key+sep+"\\S*")):qApp->arguments().indexOf(QRegExp(key));
return pos==-1?QString::null:
user@box:~$ ./myApp firstKey=Value1 --secondKey Value2 thirdKey=val3.1,val3.2,val3.3 --enable-foo
QString param1 = QArgByKey("firstkey",'='); // Returns `Value1` from first pair
QString param2 = QArgByKey("--secondkey"); // Returns `Value2` from second pair
QString param3-1 = QArgByKey("thirdkey",'=').split(',').at(0); // Returns `val3.1`
bool fooEnabled = qApp->arguments().contains("--enable-foo"); //To check for `--enable-foo`
Params can be passed in any order
Edit: Updates to this snippet will be found here
Since Qt 5.2 you can finally find a solution in QtCore itself: I contributed QCommandLineParser there.
Also for some fancy options parsing you can try gperf.
IBM has a nice tutorial on it.